is a thriving and surviving future for all forever.
Thrive! is
building and achieving a vast, sustained human endeavor, a critical mass of
positive human behavior.
is aspiration, vision, mission and call to action. It
strives to energize and empower a vast, sustained human endeavor building and sustaining a thriving future for all (for people,
communities, nations and world; for everyone and everything.
When successful, it is achieving a thriving future for all forever.
Its vision is a surviving
and thriving future for all forever. Its mission is to
create and sustain large, positive and timely change that builds
and achieves a surviving and thriving future for all forever.
The Thrive!
strategy is to have people of all backgrounds and generations
join together in this human endeavor. It strives to motivate
governments, private sector organizations and people to seek a
thriving future and to work together to build and sustain that
Key is people joining
with Thrive!, networking, spreading
the word, and taking positive action.
plays a shepherding, supportive role to ensure we stay true to
the “thriving future” mission and our actions are positive and
create and sustain positive change.
achieving a thriving future forever, builds on our ability and
willingness to shepherd our world to a thriving future.
Builds on a 1000+ year and 50+ generation strategy. Builds
on “levers” and “fulcrums”, enabling us to leverage our efforts
to greater and longer lasting outcomes. Builds on “tipping
points”, historical opportunities to make greater achievements. Builds on “next generation” strategies and tools. Builds on "eMedia" to expand reach and speed progress.
In support,
Thrive! provides strategies, models and tools to
determine where we are today and where we want to go in the
future. To achieve that future, it helps design, manage
and execute the strategies, policies and programs, and the
collaborative and individual actions.
